Invitation to Participate The 2018 Los Angeles International Liszt Competition will take place on November 17-18, 2018 at Azusa Pacifi...
Invitation to Participate
The Grand Prize winners in piano and voice will be given generous cash prizes and all-expense paid trips to make their debut concerts in New York City, Washington, D.C., London and in Budapest at the Liszt Memorial Museum.
The five place winners in all divisions will receive cash awards, plaques and Liszt CDs. In addition, every participant receives a Portrait of Liszt and a volume of Alan Walker’s Liszt biography.
Please note that this competition is unique in the world – the only competition to feature Liszt’s wonderful songs and the only Liszt competition to provide a category for the “Wunderkinder” ages 12 and under to perform the demanding music of Liszt.
Since this competition does not use State or Federal endorsements, it is sponsored solely by private funds and organizations, and the administrative work is provided by volunteers.
Every competition costs around $55,000. We would appreciate your heartfelt consideration to join us. Here is how you CAN BE a part of this wonderful celebration of Liszt’s music. All donors will be listed in the weekend program.
$500 - $10,000 Commandeur Liszt
$150 - $499 Abbé Liszt
$100 - $149 Franzi
$10 - $99 Le petit Litz
Make your checks payable to Los Angeles International Liszt Competition and send to LAILC, Dr. Katherine Hickey, 38600 Pine Drive, Cherry Valley, CA 92223.
Thank you so much for your support!
Éva Polgár and Katherine Hickey
Éva Polgár, DMA
(940) 465-9069
Katherine Hickey, DMA
Founder/Director Emerita
Geraldine Keeling
Co-Director Emerita
Judith Neslény
Kedves magyar barataink ! 27 eve minden ketevben megtartottuk ezt a
VálaszTörlésnemzetkozitalalkozot. Ebben az evben 15-szor vetelkedik 165 fiatal muvesz a kulonbozo dijakert. A verseny -amint azt a feni felhivas mondja - 50 ezer dollarba kerul. Ehhez az osszeghez kerjuk a magyar
kolonia hoza allasat. Kiki mennyit tud, kerjuk, hogy kuldjetek be a fenti cimre Dr.Hickey Kato-hoz, aki szinten magyar szarmazasu es ket
egyetemen is vezeto pozicioban van, tehat NEM az O hasznara megy a penz. Szemely szerint koszonjuk mindenkinek aki eddig is segitett.
A felhivasban es musorban ugy jelenik meg, hogy The Hungarian Community, de MINDENszemely neve egyenkent fel van tuntetve a programmon.
Ez egy privat vallalkozas, MINDENKINEK egyeni erdekehogy sikeres legyen.
A Jokedvu adakozot az Isten aldasa kiseri.
Neszlenyi Judith, volt tarsigazgato.